Friday, January 17, 2014

Abstract or Incomplete - What do you see?

Lately, my focus has been on tatting and specifically on writing up a tatting pattern.  In December, I receive a nice note about my Oversized Tatted Necklaces.  The writer remarked on their uniqueness and expressed an interest in making one herself.  This presented me with a challenge.  First, writing a tatting pattern which is something I have never done and second, writing a pattern that could be followed by a non-tatter.  I'm assuming this is the case as an experienced tatter could probably look at my necklaces and replicate them.  Still, I love the spirit of seeing something you like and wanting to make it even if you're not sure how.  It is the fuel of creativity.

Yesterday afternoon, with this on my mind, I spread a blanket in the sunny grass and spent two hours working on what I hope will soon become a fun tatting project for the non-tatter.  Whenever I find time to focus like this, something else always happens.  Another design or idea will emerge and become an irresistible distraction.  This necklace was yesterday's mental space invader.  

This will sound odd, but I think it was also inspired by an article I read this week called A Toast Story.  It had me thinking of connections, how important they are and how even a seemingly insignificant one can change a person's path.  This abstraction became an abstract shape, one with it's symmetry broken and it's connections off-kilter.  

When you look at it, do you see an abstract shape?  Do you see something that looks incomplete?  I put the necklace on this morning and walked into our loft where my son is usually waiting to greet me.  After our good mornings I asked, "How do you like my new necklace?"  "It's nice," he said and then paused to consider, "but you need to continue the humps to go all the way around."  I love that it gained enough of his attention for a closer look. 

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